Line Blade optic 92 182 cm 22/23 all mountain ski. The narrowest option in the Blade Optic Collection, the LINE Blade Optic 92 is designed to rally groomers, charge through crud, and leave other nerds in your wake. With a featherweight feel that enhances edge-to-edge quickness and precision, the Blade Optic 92 is right at home ripping hardpack and those few inches of fresh that fell overnight. The Blade Optic 92 is the only ski in the Blade Optic Collection that does not harness the power of metal throughout the ski, but don’t let that deter you, this award winning ski rips. With the abscence of metal, the Blade Optic 92 is more lightweight, nimble, and quicker edge to edge as compared to its counterparts. If you have any questions, please let me know. I’m more than happy to help!